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Academic Papers

Nine academic papers have been completed; 4 briefs and 5 research papers. Those 5 papers were written specifically for the purpose of the Constitutional Awareness Campaign. The list of presenters were asked to write original papers. Three professors were selected; namely, Dr. Mahmoud Abu Sway, Dr. Joni Asi and Dr. Sanaa Alsarghali. Dr. Abu Sway for example accepted to write two papers titled: “Separation of Powers” and “Judicial Review”. Dr. Alsarghali wrote a brief and paper about the state of exception, while Dr. Asi wrote about transitional constitution. One of Dr. Abu Sawy’s papers about judicial review was written instead of the President of the Constitutional Court. He presented original work for his seminar with the students for the purposes of the Campaign.

Dr. Alsarghali presented at the beginning of the project original work regarding extension of the state of emergency “State of Exception in Palestine: an Urgent Need) and it was sent to the students at the beginning of the training. It was listed on the Social Science Research Network (SSRN) to get more engagement and all of other papers will also be listed there.

Dr. Asi’s paper “Transitional Constitution” is an original work that had been written specifically for the Constitutional Awareness Campaign. The 4 papers written in Arabic because there is no existed literature in Palestine regarding these specific topics. Dr. Abu Sway’s “Separation of Powers” is highly needed because there is not much research done about this topic in a simple way that can be understood by students, normal people and women. The other one “Judicial Review” is about how normal people can access the court. As mentioned above this paper is written instead of His Excellency the President of the Palestinian Constitutional Court who didn’t have the time to do it; therefore, we asked the Constitutional Law professors in Palestine to do it and Dr. Abu Sway was selected. Other professors either didn’t have time or were not specialized in judicial review.